GREECE (Officially the Hellenic Republic)

Greece is a mountainous peninsula located on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea. With a total area of 130.800 sq. km, the country is surrounded by sea from three sides. The northern side borders with other Balkan countries. Due to the many islands in the Aegean and the Ionian Sea, Greece has the longest coastline in Europe and the fifth longest coastline in the world.

The country has a population of approx. 11 million and is a member state of the EU since 1981. Greece is so rich in culture and beauty that it never seems to be completely explored, no matter how many times you visit it. After all, this is one of the reasons that brought it in the list with the top 20 tourist holiday destinations worldwide. It is all about Greece, from nature to locals, that makes people want to keep coming every summer to this wonderful land. The islands have become a must activity, according to the modern lifestyle. Over the last several decades, it has been visited by the jet-setters, including politicians, musicians, actors, artists and other celebrities with a significant contribution to the popularity of Greece.

In general, the Greeks are particularly proud of their culture and speak of their country with an intense passion, feeling that the culture in Greece is a definition of their national and ethnic belonging. Traditions, religion, music, language, food and wines are the major composites of the culture in Greece and constitute the base for those who wish to visit and understand today’s country.

Holidays in Greece is the ultimate summer experience. The hot sun, the relaxing beaches, the marvelous nature, the rich culture and the warm hospitality will charm you from the first step in the country. There are so many islands and mainland resorts in Greece that it will take you many years to explore the entire country. Every year, the Greek beaches are rated among the most beautiful and clean beaches in the world. Apart from beautiful beaches, Greece also has traditional and picturesque villages. These villages have differences in architecture, depending on their geographical location.

Greek is the only official language of the country. However, as the majority of the population work in tourism, English is fluently spoken and occasionally they also speak other European languages. About 98% of the Greek population are Orthodox and the rest of the Greek population are Roman Catholics, Muslims and Jewish.

Greek cuisine is part of the culture and is recorded in images and texts from ancient times. It’s influence spread to ancient Rome and then throughout Europe and beyond. The most characteristic and ancient element of Greek cuisine is olive oil which is used in most dishes. The level of Greek gastronomy is getting higher from year to year.

Greece & the Greek Islands are famous for 5 things: ancient civilization, amazing landscapes, remarkable views, well-established tourism and extraordinary night life. A gem place to be treasured with the finest healthy climate that attracts couples and families looking for a second home, or even a permanent relocation.