The island of Cyprus is an established and recognized member of the European Union. The Republic of Cyprus offers an unmatched tax regime with several skilful and experienced local and worldwide professionals.

Since the country is coincidentally located at the crossroad of three continents, it can act as a gateway to Europe, Asia as well as Africa.

Cyprus is establishing itself as an international financial centre hence, International companies enjoy the same low tax rates as local businesses, making the country one of the leading business destinations in Europe.

Enjoy the International Image of having a EU company


✅ The Island of Cyprus is considered a top/popular destination for setting up a company which can benefit from a 12.5% corporate tax rate (lowest in Europe) therefore attracts investors from all countries.
✅ Double taxation treaties are in place with almost 67 countries. This offers an extensive tax exemptions so any earnings on property, business, inheritance and much more will not be affected or claimed in your country of residence.
✅ Straightforward, swift and friendly Company set up and registration methods for any type of business structures.
✅ Access to several International Qualified Auditing companies and professional Chartered Certified Accountants.
✅ A beneficial base for the receipt of dividends, interest and royalties.
✅ VAT exemptions on offshore companies’ activities.
✅ High quality of professional and banking services and skilled workforce.
✅ Bank accounts can be opened in multiple currencies.
✅ Ability to open a fully-fledged office in Cyprus.
✅ Legal System based on general principles of English Law.